The impulse generator and innovator

He is pure energy and lives his topics 100%: Authentic, captivating and rousing. Whether skiing in the Arctic Circle, doing extreme sports and in a helicopter, doing silent meditation and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro: Markus Daniel Weber is fascinated and inspired by playing with his own mental and physical limits. This runs through his entire eventful life. The original businessman, sports teacher and state-certified ski instructor as well as former competitive athlete has long since established himself as a moderator, trainer and speaker. The founder and managing director of V.I.T. GmbH recognized early on that the right balance of body and mind makes real winners out of companies, executives and employees.

Markus Daniel Weber manages to combine events, incentives and trainings holistically as a service and to offer them individually to corporations as well as to medium-sized companies. As a coach and motivational trainer, he brings his entrepreneurial experience and exceptional sports background to the table. As a speaker and moderator he scores with his agile manner, positive charisma and outstanding professional qualities. He is one of the most sought-after experts at home and abroad.

He repeatedly takes on sporting and entrepreneurial challenges and is a multiple finisher of the Transalp and the Cyclassics in Hamburg as well as the LBS Mountainbike Radmarathon in Albstadt. Among other things, he fulfilled a lifelong dream in 2015 for his 50th birthday - the ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro. In 2023, the successful ascent of the Matterhorn was on the agenda. How can such life goals and dreams be realized? How is a stress-free, vital life possible? Markus Daniel Weber knows the answers - ease and humor are just two of them. With competence, motivation and enthusiasm, he gets his participants to realize their personal life goals. For more than 30 years, Markus Daniel Weber has been coaching, training and inspiring not only board members and executives from industry and business, but also world champions and Olympic athletes.

Lecture topics

by Markus Weber

  • Discover the key success factors for longevity
  • Strengthen your emotional, physical and mental performance
  • Preserve your vitality and longevity


  • How can I ensure that my employees are motivated, productive and healthy when it comes to shaping the future of the company?
  • Designing remote work and home office effectively
  • What are the most important factors of agile and healthy leadership?
  • Adverse circumstances? Stress? Fear of the future?
  • What special characteristics and skills characterize resilient people?
  • How do I strengthen the resilience of the soul?
  • Achieving a harmonious work-life balance with the right mindset
  • What means and methods are needed to make time for the really important things in life
  • More quality of life and energy for a longer, more fulfilling life
  • New phase of life: optimal design and the right tools for body, mind and soul
  • Effective training methods and optimal nutrition for a healthy body and a strong muscle system
  • Securing long-term agility and motivation

The 21st century brings with it urgent challenges - such as climate change, digitization and the transformation of the world of life and work. We all have to assume our social responsibility in order to secure quality of life and prosperity. In the presentation, you will learn how you can integrate the 17 sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda into your lifestyle. And how you can sustainably connect the topic of health with your company.

It is therefore absolutely essential for companies to support their employees and managers in their self-efficacy and motivation. Strong, confident and motivated employees and leaders help companies get through any crisis. In the lecture, the audience will learn how to do this using exercises from behavioral psychology (e.g. mental subtraction, training for willpower).

Wie schaffen wir es emotional – physisch – geistig gestärkt den Herausforderungen unserer aktuellen Zeit begegnen können.

Erlernen Sie in diesem interaktiven Vortrag, die dabei 3 entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktoren.

Listen when your heart speaks.

Heart intelligence is the source of fast, intuitive wisdom and increases mental as well as emotional intelligence. Switch from "mind" to "heart" operating mode and transform negative emotions into positive ones! You will learn how to positively influence your heart rhythm to overcome stressful challenges and anxiety.

New Now requires new thinking and action. Our behavior is shaped by personal thinking style preferences. How do you manage to activate the full potential of your brain to communicate even better with your agile environment?

Learn how to use the training methods of high-performance athletes for yourself to deliver your full performance in a volatile environment with a large engine capacity! Because your body is a Formula 1 racing car.

The 3 success factors to survive in the world 4.0 "anno Corona" and build a good mental and physical resilience: Emotional Intelligence - Physical Resilience - Mental Abilities.


Re-think and process information faster through smart nutrition: Brainbooster, Smart Drugs and Neuro-Enhancer! Your "fuel & catalyst" for a strong immune system are healthy nutrition and exercise. Learn how even small dietary changes can sustainably improve your performance and strengthen your immune system.

Healthy instead of sick, leave the pills in the cupboard!


Mental fitness and vitality are no coincidence: The body as the basis for your personal success in life.
Learn the mental recipes for success of top athletes.

You'll realize why "stress is the spice of life" and how "easy" dealing with your stressors/adequate coping can be. You will also learn how to flip the switch and move from active mode to being mode to improve your information processing and stress regulation.


Digital transformation is not a package tour, but an expedition! Why do some companies and teams make it to the summit and others fail? How can I keep my team and myself on course for the long term? How can I achieve peak performance when it really matters?

Increase the "RAM"/workspace of your brain and address all brain regions. Here you tune up your brain with us and as a result you improve your attention span, have a faster ability to act and reduce stress in the long run. Through our V.I.T. success formula, "mental activation techniques + brain development movements" you will become more powerful.

External and internal attitude - How your positive attitude strengthens your back. Learn "mini habits" for a sustainably strong back especially in times of mobile work.


Markus Weber also inspires and motivates in his live online webtalks/lectures!

"He is enthusiastic, inspiring and knowledgeable."

"At just the right time, our leadership team got a new kick and a boost of motivation."

"Anyone who listens to you will find it hard to resist the 'spark' that jumps out and inspires them to rethink their behavior and integrate new inspirations."

"We would like to thank you very much for your spirited presentation, which was perfectly tailored to the target group, at our IHK Best Honors ceremony in Bräunlingen. The award ceremony is a premium event in the IHK calendar. You found exactly the right words for this and made the evening a very special one with your great speech."

"With your presentation on the topic, you left a lasting impression on me and my entire team. Thank you very much for the food for thought and the journey you took us on with your lively manner. The mix of expertise, personal reference and lecture performance was perfect."

"Gripping, rousing and maximum motivation and many beaming enthusiastic faces!!!"

My Business Coaching with Markus Weber

I particularly liked:

  • It is never about pure business coaching. Markus attaches great importance to a holistic coaching approach that also takes into account the coachee's private and part-time roles.
  • The coaching is always action-oriented: We always agreed on specific tasks and actions, which we debriefed at the next meeting.
  • Coaching with Markus has a lasting effect – er gibt dem Coachee wertvolle Instrumente an die Hand, um mittel- und langfristig selbstwirksam das eigene Energielevel hoch zu halten, das eigene Denken und Handeln zu hinterfragen und mit den eigenen Zielen zu alignen. Neben kurzfristigen Anliegen werden auch mittel- und langfristige Ziele und mögliche Wege dahin besprochen.

Markus als Coach…

  • … bringt wahnsinnig viel Energie mit, von der sich in jeder Session ein Teil auf mich übertragen hat – danach war ich immer gestärkt und voller Energie!
  • … bietet einen strukturierten Ansatz für das Coaching und ist gleichzeitig flexibel, wenn kurzfristig Themen auftreten, über die prioritär gesprochen werden sollte
  • … inspiriert zu einem selbstbestimmten, aktiven Leben, in dem alles möglich ist.

Markus Weber ist Business Coach aus Leidenschaft! Ich habe die Zusammenarbeit mit ihm als sehr angenehm empfunden und kann ihn und sein V.I.T. Team uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.

Markus ist voller Elan und seine positive, engagierte Art sind mitreißend und motivierend. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich seine Kundenorientierung – Markus bringt immer seinen ganz individuellen Blick ein, es gibt keine Floskeln. Ich habe zudem seine Professionalität geschätzt: strukturierte Analysen und sein langjähriger Erfahrungsschatz sind ein toller Mix!

In Summe regt seine inspirierende Art an, ganz neue Betrachtungs- und Herangehensweisen einzunehmen. Weiter so!

Der Workshop „Teamentwicklung“ mit Markus Weber (V.I.T. GmbH) hat bei uns im Führungskreis das gegenseitige Verständnis insbesondere zu den individuellen Verhaltenseigenschaften in unterschiedlichsten Situationen gefördert.
Das HBDI Teamentwicklungtool ist bestens geeignet, um eine hohe Akzeptanz für die individuellen persönlichen Reaktionen und Verhaltensweisen von Kollegen zu bekommen. Der Trainingstag hat uns allen sehr viel Spaß gemacht, unser Vertrauen und das zwischenmenschliche Miteinander wurde dadurch gestärkt.
Mit den individuellen Einzelprofilen und dem gemeinsamen Teamprofil haben wir jetzt eine gute Grundlage im Führungskreis für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit, damit wir uns auf einer guten Arbeitsebene auf die wichtigen zukunftsorientierten Themen konzentrieren können.“

Markus Weber Buch

Management = High Performance Sport

Inner pigs, stress levels and back pain - just some of the signs that plague entrepreneurs and executives these days. In the book "Gesundheit&Fitness - Persönlichkeit&Erfolg" (Health&Fitness - Personality&Success), former competitive athlete Markus Daniel Weber formulates his own understanding of health - and shows measures suitable for everyday use to find personal ways for a balanced professional and private life. The expert decisively refutes the thesis "no pain, no gain" and instead helps to bring work and health into harmony.

Markus Daniel Weber
Excellence Edition

19,90 Euro

Top league expert

Markus Daniel Weber is an Expert Member of the quality community Club 55 - European Community of Experts in Marketing and Sales. He is one of the TOP 100 Speakers Excellence, a Certified virtual Expert as well as a Whole Brain Thinking Expert and a certified HBDI Trainer as well as a certified Insights MDI Trainer/Consultant.

Impressionen Keynotes Markus Weber
